Tuesday 5 April 2011

ask good questions

Before we can start up this project, we should ask good questions as a part of the planning so to build the skeleton of the structure how to go about doing it as following:

“What are the problems with the current medicinal labels that can be solved by a fundamental design theory - semiotic?” The objective of the first question was to under study the used of semiotic theory in establishing a visual communication, so as to solve the problem of the linguistic barrier of the elderly trying to understand the medical instructions through a symbolic meaning.   

“What is the role of pictorial materials and how can it be used as a medium in visual communication?” The objective of the second question was to find out the function of pictorial work in the process of communication; its representation and comprehension, in order to investigate the possibility of using pictorial materials as the medium in non-verbal communication.

“Can pictograms be used in creating an effective medicinal label, especially in assisting the elderly?” The objective of the third question was to seek to find out the possibility of the shift in pictograms replacing linguistic functioning as the key element in the process of communication, where the medical-symbolic pictograms in the medicinal labels design can benefit the elderly and their caregivers without language interference.

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